Young MA liver failure fears surface as viral yellow eyes video sparks concern

Young MA has sparked health concerns among fans after her eyes looked yellow-tinted in a new video. Netizens began speculating about the reason for the symptom. Many believe that the rapper is suffering from kidney failure or possibly jaundice.

Popular Twitter page Say Cheese uploaded a video of the rapper to their account where fans expressed concern over Young MA’s health. She appeared to be getting a haircut. Fans noted that her eyes looked slightly yellow.

Some believe that the 30-year-old is suffering from jaundice. In this condition, the skin and the whites of the eyes turn yellow due to excess bilirubin, a yellow-orange pigment.

Conspiring the same, a Twitter user wrote that the singer has used alcohol in the past to deal with her mental health struggles. They also attached a video where the rapper spoke about her battle with depression. She was heard saying:

“Drinking a bottle of Absolut and just crying my heart out and just not understanding what the hell is going on. I was just acting out. I ain’t wanted to carry on with life, I didn’t know what to do.”

The Twitter user also noted that yellow eyes and skin can also be a symptom of liver failure.

In cases of acute liver failure, one can also experience tenderness in the upper abdomen, changes in mental state, personality or behavior along with the eyes and skin attaining a yellow hue. According to the Mayo Clinic, some causes of liver failure can include excess acetaminophen, prescription medications, toxins, herbal supplements, experiencing an autoimmune disease, cancer or a metabolic disease.

Netizens react to Young MA’s latest video

Internet users have endlessly expressed concern over the Hello Baby singer’s health. Many flooded Twitter with their own diagnoses and expressed sadness over the rapper's possible health deterioration.

The rapper has stayed away from the limelight in recent months. The last time she made headlines was in April 2022, during the release of her new track Aye Day Pay Day. Along with releasing the song, she also launched an NFT capsule that celebrated her career.

Young MA’s NFT capsule was designed in collaboration with producer and 2D artist Andrew Gony and “Eco-friendly digital music collectibles” company Serenade. The collection paid homage to her 2014 track Brooklyn Chiraq, the iconic 2016 song OOOUUU, 2018’s PettyWap, her 2019 debut album Herstory in the Making and the 2021 song Hello Baby that featured Fivio Foreign.

Who is Young MA?

Young MA, whose real name is Katorah Marrero, is a popular rapper who hails from New York City. She gained massive traction after her song Brooklyn Chiraq was released in 2014. Since then, the rapper has continued to grow her fanbase with her music.

Aside from her music being celebrated, her s*xual orientation had become a hot topic in the past. She has announced several times that she does not want to be labeled, however, she does have a girlfriend. Young MA said in an interview:

“Nah bro, I don’t like that. At first, I thought it was like- cause everybody said it but now I’m like- I’m just Young MA man. I just don’t date dudes.”

At the time of writing this article, the rapper had not addressed the health concerns.

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