AJ Lee Tweets Stephanie Over How WWE Divas Are Treated | Page 2

I think, what's about to get lost in the minutia of #GiveDivasAChance, and this movement, is one glaring issue that we shouldn't forget.

Damn, the McMahons are full of shit, and have an extreme lack of self-awareness.

There are those that are saying AJ shouldn't have sent out the tweet... Which confuses me. I mean, sure, it doesn't look good for the company. But AJ wouldn't have even sent out the tweet, had Stephanie McMahon not sent that pandering bullshit tweet. You guys know what was going on here; the WWE was hounding for good press (once again). This time, it bit them in the ass, because someone had the guts to call them out on it. The best comparison I could make is JR retweeting Vince about some of the shit he's dealt with (both on and off screen) after Vince plugs his B.A. Star bullshit again. (Yes, I know, JR no longer works for the company, but it's still the same concept)

If anything, AJ probably went light on them. If AJ really wanted to set fire to the proverbial village, she could probably go in hard on that whole "independent contractors" bullshit that WWE knows couldn't possibly hold up in a court of law. WWE wants to have its cake and eat it too; they want the worldwide recognition of being a global public company, while also still using the same mom-and-pop practices from when they were a private company.

Which is fine, but when someone calls you out for it, you'd probably better be prepared for it.
